Do the following Images make you beautiful??

Is that extra Bottle of Mascara really that necessary??

We feel Pain..Dont they?? ---->

Whiter the teeth, better the smile..but at what cost??Are we not happy with the toothpaste we already have??

Stuffed in cages,These Animals die a painful and lonely death..

This Is just plain Sad..

Why do we still Buy Animal tested Products when there are Other Safe alternatives to test these products??Are we rats??No??Then how can a product tested on a rat be safe for you??Animal testing is Inhuman and what more,Its not even precise..
But what can we do??How can we help these animals??There is really nothing to it..just look for the "Not tested on Animals seal" on the product you are buying.. Thats the only way we can stop this cruelty..

Its about time we did something..Say NO to Animal Testing..

Look at the following Video released By PETA for more Information..

Note:Think the Images above are shocking??Then bite on this..The Images above are just a few of many Images available on the net..There are many more shocking images which can easily send shivers down your spine..Animal testing is inhuman and wrong..So please,please,please make sure that you DONT buy a product which was tested on animals..And if you know of any lab near your house which does Animal me on 9962385581..

A world which is safe for animals is a world safe for everyone..

Miracle-Its Everywhere

Bruce Almighty..A timeless classic of a man who gets to be God!!I have watched the movie many a times..Laughed at the way Jim carry makes his funny faces..No matter how many times i watched that movie,I've enjoyed it..I was surfing through the channels today and i found Bruce almighty was running on Zee studio,So There I was..Watching the movie 7th time..But Today was Different..I dint Just enjoy the movie...I understood it..The Movie along with its rich Humor also conveys a deep message.."Dont Wait for Miracles to happen,Be the Miracle"...There is a scene in the movie, which I found is really very touchy...God Looks at Bruce and tells him"Miracle-Partitioning Soup is not Miracle..Its Magic..But When a single mom Struggling between two jobs manages to take her kid for football practice..Thats Miracle..When a Teenager says no to Drugs and YES to education..Thats Miracle"..Thats when it hit me...We Pray to to god almost everyday.."I want this,I want that"But is it really necessary??When feeling low..just take a walk..Help someone and feel the change in you when that person thanks you with all his heart..We see Miracles everyday but we just dont notice them..The process of Birth..Thats a miracle..The way buds blossom into beautiful flowers..Thats Miracle..Love-Which makes you do things which you thought would never be possible..Thats Miracle..The way a newborn child who does not know anything looks up at you and smiles when you call out his/her name..Thats a Miracle..Miracles are every where..So the next time you think your life is a mess..Dont wait for a miracle to happen..BE THE MIRACLE..