United We Stand

This entry is not for me or for you..Its for the frustration that's growing inside me..i don't know what to say or what to type..26/11/2008..a dark day..a day that brought tears in our eyes and sorrow in our heart..all we could see was death all around..Mumbai..The Heart of India the biggest and one of the most important city was under attack..men with gun walked Into the city and killed nearly 150 people..Their first attack at the CST station shook Mumbai..But that was just the start.. a "WAR" some N.E.W.S channels called it..Important landmarks fell victims to these attacks..The Taj Mahal Hotel..Oberoi Hotel and the Trident..
People who were out with their families and friends,On vacation,Enjoying.. suddenly found themselves trapped..at gun gun point they had no other choice..The whole city was awake with the roar of bombs and gun fires..shocked to see the top floor of taj mahal light up with flames below the dark sky's..There was nothing anyone could do..There was a smell of death in the air..fear gripping the hearts of everyone..Mumbai was under attack..Terrorists..why do they do this??What do they get??They seriously think killing innocent people is going to send them to heaven??little kids shot down..the cops who entered the building to save lives of the innocent, shot to death..Its sad..If these terrorists seriously think that this is going to send them to heaven then fine ask them to take my place..I don give a damn..but please stop killing the innocent..stop this religious insanity..Religion has just become an excuse for war these days..Its ironic..We go to temples ,mosques and churches to pray at times like this..when at the same time there is a church,mosque or a temple is blown away to dust..Thats it I cant take it anymore..I AM NOT A HINDU..I AM NOT A MUSLIM OR A CRISTIAN ..I AM A HUMAN..and for the sake of humanity..just stop it..stop this god forsaken war..

The same old story is happening all over again and now even more often,
The moment our guard was let down and everything was swiftly forgotten,
The same beasts have struck, those that deify The Devil and The Demon,
Yet again have we been badly hit, by the same Vile Sons-of-Vermin,
They seem to be extremely pleased by their feat of extreme cowardice,
For they’ve now declared they’re going to be a huge problem, to be brought to justice.
Do whatever you want, you’ll never be able to stop us, they openly seem to taunt,
We shall continue to carry on with our “just” task, our aim is just to kill and increase number count.
They claim you’ve oppressed us all for long, hence you yourselves are to blame,
And thats the reason why, this "gallant" act of theirs is going to get the Devil, unparalleled fame.
I can only say that, by brutally slaying innocents and sounding the bugle of death’s knell,
Little do those fools know what actually awaits them there, in that place, better known as “hell”.

its with tears in my eyes that i end my entry..I just want to shout..to scream..to tell someone..Just type my heart out..but yeah..we the people of INDIA wont be effected by this act of cowardice..we will join hands..UNITED WE SHALL STAND..



November 29, 2008 at 2:04 AM

Yup great message!