"Hungry...very hungry..must eat something"That was my condition yesterday..I was very hungry but had nothing to eat..so I decided to pull up my sleeves and cook something for myself..and the dish turned out pretty well...so thought I should share the Recipe..Cooking has always been my passion..so ill be posting more of my recipes..nah.."experiments" here on my blog.. ^_^
Ok so coming back to yesterday..as I said before..I was very hungry, mum was out and the Saarang tickets had left a big hole in my wallet..so I started scanning my kitchen for something That I could use for cooking...after 3 minutes of scaning I found...Nothing..And when hungry those 3 minutes can feel like an eternity..ok..I was really irritated..so I was like ok fine..I guess its Diet for me today(which I really dont need or ill disappear).Disappointed I turned on the TV..The whole world to me looked like this place filled with big nasty fat people who get to EAT..you know Its amazing..whenever you are in a bad mood and you decide to watch the TV to lift your mood..There Is nothing on..nothing..ok at this point you will be like.."how can there be nothing?"..My answer..those pathetic good for nothing Hindi soaps are Nothing to me..Junk..its like I am looking at a Blank TV screen..Anyways..I was really tired as well so I turned off the TV and was ready to go to bed when the bell rang..And to my surprise..My grocery guy was at the door with...DuH..Grocery..so I just pulled the bag from his hands,Paid him and started scaning the bad..at last..found something...cottage cheese(not the chunks but the cream)..At that point I was tired no more..My Stomach was providing my body with this immence ammount of energy which could keep me awake for hours..My stomach was motivated..So it was Cooking time..ok so here is the list of all the ingridients you will need to make a cottage cheese pie..
1 1/2 cups Creamed cottage cheese
4 tbl melted butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 tbl flour
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cups chopped nuts
1 lemon ring(grated)
1/4 cup milk
1 tbl baking powder
How to cook :
Press the cheese through a sieve 2 times.
Add the butter, sugar,salt,flour,lemon rind,chopped raisins,nuts,baking soda and milk.
Stir well.
Fold into cheese mixture.
Bake in moderately hot oven (400 degrees) for 30 minutes or until browned and firm.
Finally..One bite And I was Alive once again..The pie turned out amazing..or just ordinary and tasted good because I was really Hungry.. but one thing .. It was surely better tasting than the towel that I was planing to eat.. ^_^
Happy Cooking
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